Summer is officially underway! I hope everyone is enjoying some much needed rest and relaxation.
- Congratulations on your accomplishments, hard work and the difference you made in the lives of many students. Hopefully, our tips, ideas, and techniques for thriving during the end of year rush came in handy. A special thank you to the teachers who shared stories and memories from their last days of school for our Last Day of School Diary.
As you relax, enhance the post school year decompression process with the following posts:
5 Reasons Why Teachers Need Their Summers Off
Why Students Need Their Summers Off
You Made It! 6 Great Ways for Teachers to Decompress After a Demanding Year
Those of you who feel summer is the perfect time to earn extra money should read,
5 Great Ways to Have Fun, Learn and Earn During the Summer
If you find yourself reflecting on the past year, pat yourself on the back and remember the countless ways you changed lives for the better.
If positive reflection is a practice you want to continue in your classroom this fall, download my 20 Day Self-Reflection Plan. The twenty daily reflections are grouped into four teaching domains (planning & preparation, classroom environment, instruction, professional responsibilities) and focus on the positive actions and strategies teachers perform in their classrooms. Thinking about these positive accomplishments will lead to creative ideas and/or actions that help reframe issues and perspectives.

Here are 7 great articles about teaching/education/learning I read in June.
- Did you know being a good teacher is the most creative occupation in the world? How Parents and Teachers Can Be More Fulfilled
- For those seeking more ways to decompress and unplug this summer.
- I can’t wait for this Mark Twain fairy tale reimagined by Philip and Erin Stead!
- Meet Daisy, the loveable, potbellied, reading pig.
- Want to incorporate Goodreads in the classroom? Here are 10 clever ways to start.
- Name your favorite fictional teachers.
- This teacher and her student never came to see eye-to-eye, but they shared one trait in common.