I have been reading a few picture book biographies in preparation for an upcoming nonfiction unit. A good biography has the ability to foster new interests and can be inspiring to children.
They especially enjoy reading information about a subject’s childhood. After reading a biography, many children love to share their knowledge about the person with others. The
following “top five” prompts can be used as a choice menu for children. Have them select their favorite prompt to identify, summarize, and highlight the person’s significance and life
Biography Top Five
List the top five. . .
- Important events in the person’s life.
- Ways the world would be different if the person had not existed.
- Questions you would ask the person.
- Challenges the person faced.
- Accomplishments of the person.
- People you would introduce the person to.
- Things people should know about this person.
- Ways this person’s life was same/different than yours.
- Pieces of advice the person might give to others.
- Words you would use to describe the person. Why did you select each word?