Museum Monday
Since many museums are closed on Monday, I'll bring a museum to you. This week it's in the form of "learning links" for children and parents, including Martin Luther King Jr. Day resources.
- Ology: The American Museum of Natural History's Science Website for Kids has plenty of interactive games and activities to learn about archaeology, astronomy, zoology, marine biology, paleontology and other "Ologies." For elementary and middle aged children
- Tate Kids: Children can select artwork from the Tate Kids Collection or upload their own artwork into this site's "My Gallery" space and create a virtual museum. There are also creative games, activities, and "crafty things to do off line." For elementary and middle school aged children
- Games for Change: For children with an interest in making a difference in the world, this site offers games that address social issues, such as human rights, civics, the environment, and conflict. The games are categorized by topic and age. For elementary and middle school aged children
- The Seattle Times' information about Martin Luther King Jr.: This site "contains the story of a remarkable man, images of a tumultuous time, and perspectives of politicians, academics, students and the many, ordinary citizens whose lives he touched." For middle school aged children
- A Media Specialist's Guide to the Internet: "Because you never know when you'll need a cybrarian." This "Best Library Blog" has 24 Resources to Celebrate the Life of Martin Luther King, Jr. and 25 Wonderful Sites to Teach Children About Chinese New Year, which begins January 31st. For teachers, media specialists, and parents
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